sobota, 27 lipca 2013

Plasmodium falciparum

Plasmodium vivax

Neutrophil Alphabets



mature lymphocytes they are indicative of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a disease most often seen in older adults

T cell leukemia

hairy cell leukemia

giant platelet

LLA-L3 acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia

Acute myeloid leukaemia showing leukaemic blast cells, several with Auer rods


One sickle cell and several boat-shaped cells (in sickle cell anaemia)

Hereditary spherocytosis (HS)

Hereditary elliptocytosis (HE)

Howell Jolly body

Target cells


1 reactive lymphocytes 2 Polychromatic erythrocyte



a-band form of neutrophil, b-monocyte,c-lymphocyte,d-eosinophil. e-neutrophil,f-basophil,g-rbc

Monocyte, with a band neuthrophil at upper left

Monocyte with phagocytized nuclear residue

Plasma cell from peripheral blood (“blood plasma cell”) with highly basophilic cytoplasm and a perinuclear halo

Two basophils

Two blasts mieloblastos

Red blood cell and platelet interactions in healthy females during early and late pregnancy

Increased granulocytopoiesis in a bone marrow smear. Neutrophilic granulocytes,two basophils, and four eosinophils medula ossea

piątek, 26 lipca 2013

Hairy cells Leukemia The neoplastic cells express CD20, CD19, CD11c, CD25, and CD103 in typical cases

Anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, anisochromasia, basophilic stippling and irregularly shaped red cells

Blood film from a patient with acquired HbH disease showing ‘golf ball’ inclusions when stained with brilliant cresyl blue

Partially degranulated eosinophils

Microcytic hypochromic red cells in iron deficiency anemia. Red cells are hypochromic

AML showing a blast cell and marked anisopoikilocytosis, basophilic stippling, polychromasia and nucleated red blood cells (one of which is megaloblastic)

trypanosoma cruzi and brucei

monocytes containing Leishmania

Nucleated red cells and an immature myeloid precursor in the peripheral blood film

Classic hairy cell (left)

Plasmacytoid lymphocyte swith crystals of immunoglobulin

Morphological features which are useful in distinguishing between the microfilariae of different species of filaria


Platelets satellism


1.Myeloblast,2.metamyelocyte,3.myelocyte, neutrophi(bastonete)l,5.segmented neutrophil (segmentado)

Basophilic stippling

Lymphoyites reactive in dengue fever

trypanosoma cruzi

plasmodium falciparum